Sunday, August 4, 2024

August Meeting: Conservation

 Greenway Cleanup Community Service Project

Conservation & Membership Programs

Alexander McNair Society members met at Rocket Park to have their monthly meeting, where they discussed watersheds and picked up trash along the Deer Creek Greenway. 


The meeting ended at Brentwood Park, where the members could enjoy the new park! Thankfully there was a water park there, because it was almost 100 degrees out! Seniors and members also worked together to plan the upcoming programs for the 2024-25 year. 

One member said: "My favorite part of the meeting was playing at the two playgrounds."

Attendance: 4 members, 5 seniors

Saturday, July 20, 2024

July Meeting: National President's Program

September 11th Memorial

National President's Program

Alexander McNair Society met at the 9/11 Memorial at Fenton City Park. Members read books about the September 11th attacks before coming to the meeting. 

During the meeting, they learned about the National President's Program: Courage. Service. Honor

This program supports the Tunnels 2 Towers Foundation and educates today's youth about the the 9/11 attacks. To learn more about the national program, please visit the national website at: (please note, this link will provide information until April 2025 and then will change to the new program). 

Members and Seniors discussed the September 11th attacks. One member said they didn't realize that there were attacks in more places than just the World Trade Center. Members also learned about the planes that crashed into the Pentagon and in Pennsylvania. Members asked a lot of questions about where the seniors were at, and what day-to-day life was like at the time. They were amazed to learn how much the event affected the entire world.

Attendance: 4 members, 3 seniors

Saturday, June 29, 2024

June Meeting: City Museum

 City Museum

Membership Program

Alexander McNair members went on a fun field trip to the City Museum! A couple of them brought the first aid kits that they made at our last meeting, just in case!

Lucy said, "My favorite part was going in the tunnel under the benches."

Attendance: 5 members, 3 seniors

Monday, May 27, 2024

May Meeting: Memorial Day Service & Picnic

  Memorial Day Service & Society Picnic

National President's Program, Veterans, & C.A.R./DAR/SAR/S.R. Relations Programs

Alexander McNair members participated in the State DAR Memorial Day ceremony at Coldwater Cemetery. While there members also took the opportunity to lay flowers on the veterans' graves.

Attendance: 3 members, 6 seniors

Afterwards, the group moved to one member family's home for a BBQ. After enjoying good food and good fellowship, Jojo led the younger members in learning First Aid skills. We began talking about the National Theme: Courage, Service, Honor. And everyone made First Aid kits.

Teddy said: "My favorite part was figuring out that it is possible to blow up gloves like balloons."

Lucy said: " My favorite part was getting ketchup on you and curing the patient."

Attendance: 5 members, 7 seniors

Sunday, November 7, 2021

Veteran's Day Celebrations

 Florissant Veteran's Day Parade

Alexander McNair Society was invited to join Reverend John Clark DAR on their float in Florissant's Veteran's Day parade.

Attendees: 1 member (1 peewee), and 2 seniors

 St. Louis-Jefferson DAR's Veteran's Day Memorial

Alexander McNair Society was invited to join St. Louis-Jefferson DAR's annual Veteran's Day Memorial Service at Bellefountaine Cememtery. Marcus represented the state society while placing a wreath during the ceremony.

Attendees: 4 members (2 peewees), and 2 seniors

Saturday, October 30, 2021

October Meeting

 Commemorating Missouri's 200th Anniversary & Learning about the American Revolution

American Heritage, American History, & Patriotic Education Programs

Alexander McNair Society held their October business meeting on Saturday, October 30th at Missouri's First State Capitol in St. Charles, MO. During their program, members and seniors learned and discussed Missouri's 200th Anniversary and the 238th Anniversary of the end of  the American Revolution.

Life during the American Revolution

Before the meeting, members were encouraged to read the book I Survived the American Revolution, 1776 by Lauren Tarshis. Families were able to read the book together and discuss the topic at an age-appropriate level for their members.

At the meeting, members and seniors were able to discuss the American Revolution and what life would have been like for a child during that time period. They were able to add the dates of the American Revolution to their timeline. 

Missouri Statehood - 200th Anniversary

Next members and seniors learned about Missouri's path to statehood by taking a guided tour of Missouri's First State Capitol. Members were excited to find information about the society's namesake, Alexander McNair, the first governor of Missouri. They got to learn about the two people running for governor and then pick who they would have voted for.

Patriotic Education - Military Uniforms throughout the years

Members were able to see examples of military uniforms from the American Revolution and compare them to the military uniforms from the past with a timeline of military uniforms. They discussed reasons why uniforms would look the way they did during that time period.

Attendees: 6 members (4 peewees), 4 seniors.

Saturday, October 23, 2021

SAR Plaque Dedication

C.A.R./DAR/SAR/S.R. Relations & Veteran's Programs

Members were invited to join the SAR for a plaque dedication at Fee Fee Cemetery. The plaque commemorated 5 revolutionary ancestors who were buried at the cemetery. The event was hosted by Spirit of St. Louis SAR and included members of the SAR, DAR, C.A.R., and local government.

Marcus represented the M.S.S.C.A.R. to present a wreath and lead a prayer.

Jojo represented the Alexander McNair Society by carrying the C.A.R. flag with the Missouri SAR color guard.

Attendees: 6 members (4 peewees), 4 seniors