Member holds the American flag. |
Patriotic Education
We watched a few episodes of Liberty's Kids and discussed what happened as we went and why it was significant. The first episode we watched was the very first episode. It goes over the Boston Tea Party. We talked about why the Boston Tea Party happened, and who was involved in it. The second episode was about the Intolerable Acts, which raised taxes against the colonists will and the colonists began to get angry.
We also talked about the book that the 3 oldest members read. (We passed it around between the meetings throughout the year.The book is called Revolutionary War on Wednesday. In the book, Washington crossed the Delaware River, and it was about the surprise attack on Trenton.
Reading the book and watching the TV shows put the information in a more fun way to understand the history of the Revolutionary War.
- Marcus, age 13
"I don't really pay attention in history, but this was different. It helped me learn in a fun way. Telling the story made me feel like I was there."
-Corban, age 10
PeeWees holding up their recycling display. |
Members were able to sort items for recycling with a sticker craft activity. They explained why each item went in each bin as they went. They presented it to the adults afterwards.
National Merit
Seniors worked together on the National Merit contest and divided up contest entries for National and State contests.
We put our hand over our heart for Pledge of Allegiance. |
Business Meeting
Members voted on delegates to State Conference, donations to the Tamassee DAR Mountain School, and to National Funds. There were 6 members, 1 prospective, and 4 seniors in attendance. We have a new prospective family, who will be attending in April.